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Back to School: Basic Things to Do to Prepare

Every new month feels like a bit of renewal, but September is special. There’s just something that most of us love about the month of September. With the equinox, the daylight hours consider becoming cooler and even shorter. But there’s no rush to end the abundant sunshine. And the warm days linger — thankfully not quite as miserable as the likes of deep summer.

I don’t know about you, but I can’t seem to get enough of September, “Hello, September! Welcome! We’ve been waiting for you!”

We would like to celebrate September with you. What are you celebrating in September?

Hit Reply to share your story!

“Ah, September! You are the doorway to the season that awakens my soul… but I must confess that I love you only because you are a prelude to my beloved October.” — Peggy Toney Horton

6 Basic Things to Do as You Prepare for Back to School
  1. Back to School Shopping: Get your kids involved in back to school shopping and it won’t seem like such a chore. Set spending limits for items such as clothing, shoes and backpacks and allow them to pick out what they like best, whether online or in a store. By doing this early, you’ll avoid long lines at stores and anxiety at home in the days before classes commence. If your child must wear a uniform, make sure they have what they need before the first day. And don’t forget to set up a comfortable home study space if they will be distance learning.

  2. Create a Message Center: Life can be chaotic during the school year with all those online class meetings, sports practices and rehearsals. Create a message center so everyone in the family can keep track of schedules and appointments. You can build a home message center or purchase one that is ready to go.

  3. Stock up on Supplies: Whether you homeschool your child or send them off to a private or public school, there’s a good chance they’ll need some supplies. Many schools provide a list of everything your child will need. Stock up on pencils, erasers, markers and rulers now so they are ready to go on day one. And keep your school supplies organized so you can find everything when you need them.

  4. Prepare for Mornings: Now’s the time to prepare for those hectic early mornings. Get in the habit now of making lunches the night before. About two weeks before school starts, have your children go to bed a little earlier each night and wake up to an alarm clock so they’re ready for the first day.

  5. Choose Outfits: Get your kids in the habit of choosing clothes for the week on Sunday. Have your child lay out his or her clothes that they plan to wear the night before. Not only will this make mornings less chaotic, but it may even help cut down on your laundry throughout the week.

  6. Wipe Out Germs: Back to school time often means germ season. Make sure to stock up on cleaning supplies (or make your own) to keep surfaces clean and stop the spread of germs.

What is your back to school idea that we can use this September? Hit Reply to share your ideas!

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